If you have burial plans for yourself or a loved one in a cemetery that requires flat grave markers or if you’d like to choose an affordable grave marker, you may wonder how to create a personalized experience.
You can create a flat grave marker that is still unique and a testament of love to the person buried below. Here’s how.
Stone Materials & Elements
Some cemeteries require that the marker be made of a certain material, but you may find that you can use a stone that is not as common.…
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Many people don’t think of funerals until someone in their life passes away. However, there are many advantages to familiarizing yourself with the services of a funeral home. Planning your funeral in advance can take a weight off your family’s mind when the time comes for your cremation or burial. A funeral home director can help you choose the funeral services that are right for your beliefs, desires, and financial situation.…
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Planning a funeral for a loved one involves making a great number of decisions during what is an extremely upsetting and unsettling time. One of the major decisions is just where to hold the funeral service. A church will be inappropriate if your loved one wasn’t religious, and you may find a funeral chapel to be too impersonal. And then a logical solution presents itself—why not have the funeral at home?…
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