Grieving In Your Own Way

Have a Plan for Those Who Talk Too Much in the Visitation Line

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When the line forms at a funeral visitation, it gives the chance for every attendee to offer his or her condolences to the grieving family. Most people in attendance understand the importance of brevity—they’ll approach you, share some words of encouragement and let you know that you’re in their thoughts, and then move along. There are sometimes other attendees, however, who either don’t know or don’t care about the protocol in this situation, and their actions indicate that they’re more than comfortable with taking up your time.…

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After A Death, These Signs Could Suggest That Your Child Needs Grief Counseling

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Explaining death to a child can often be a challenge, but will be something that you’ll need to deal with upon a death in the family. When a child’s grandmother or grandfather passes away, the child may deal with his or her grief in a number of ways. Ideally, your family will be so open to dialog that your child feels comfortable discussing his or her feelings about the death with you.…

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What To Do When The Decedent Donated Their Body To Science

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Hundreds of people donate their bodies to medical and science organizations, and experts have predicted the trend will continue in the foreseeable future as people look for alternative afterlife options. While donating a body to science can help the living, it can make it challenging for loved ones to plan a funeral. If you have to plan a funeral for someone who donated his or her body, here are a few tips to help you with the process.…

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